Home Sweet Home
This break at home has been a much needed respite. Despite all the stressors which such a respite usually bring, I have had an excellent week so far and not much to complain about. Isn’t it amazing how you can turn almost any negative thing into a blessing of some sort? For instance, I got my haircut Tuesday and the girl completely ruined it. I went back Wednesday and had it fixed by a lady who exerted more skill and care upon it than I would have asked for originally. Now after the 3/4th disappearance of the bulk of hair, I cannot believe how light my head feels! It is quite amazing. I have finally upgraded to a new phone. It plays a melodious sound when you text and the font is pretty so I am quite content with such an excellent phone as this. I have finally upgraded to a DSLR camera, a long, long time dream. I can now finally take quality pictures.