Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Awakening

It wasn’t nearly at all what she thought she would feel in circumstances as this. When it comes to the vagrant little emotional visitors, always coming and going at the most inconvenient of times, she had pushed away these fickle companions of her former world. Then, her lungs bursting as she rose from the watery weight of slumber, she erupted into a new place of light, gasping for a new sort of air.
She had never before considered that there had been something else out there, a new world filled with such endlessness. It was a discovery! Awakened from the depth, a stirring arousing the cords of her very being, she had begun to progress upward, an inexplicable yearning to move beyond the boundaries of former dreams, previous faiths, and earlier concepts of restriction… she wanted to fly.

For what had sparked within her such drastic aspirations to even arouse herself to shake free the fetters of her entrenched philosophy? It was not necessarily what she was feeling, but what she wasn’t feeling. For all the devotion of thought which had consumed her moments with whimsical, feminine expectation she could not produce a singular emotion which she thought usually accompanied such an awakening. Rather, all the absences of the great profound, earth moving anticipations had melted and smeared together into something of a rather peculiar state of mind. Peacefulness and everything which is born of the natural and happy.

What trickery was this which cast aside the breath-catching passions of dreamland and gave utter dependence and tender consideration to that which does not tempt the yearnings of the human soul? Or does it? When she put aside the romantic sensibilities of the imagination and thrust herself into the new world of the tangible, all which previously held itself in such mystical importance seemed to fade and wither into forgotten memories of immaterial consequence. 

For there wasn’t an earth-consuming fire burning within her, altering the very structure of her soul. No. Rather it was simply an extension of self in every sense of the word.  So natural, so unassuming, so surreptitiously nestled close to her heart that the very presence of this foreign idea had begun to root itself in her being unnoticed. And it seemed as if it had always been there. Yet how was this possible? This unfamiliar substance, this intruder within the highly fortified chambers of her soul, somehow had passed all her defenses undetected. And that quiet, unsuspecting accomplishment alone was what caused this whole revolutionary tremor to her foundations. How had this happened?

Sometimes something within her quivered with the slightest inkling at the unrealized profundity of what she had discovered. But most times, such greatness was lost upon her as she muddled around with the more comprehensible aspects of this odd newness.

She barely understood anything except that nothing might be understood. She held with contempt the limitations which her old beliefs had chained upon her mind. She also looked degradingly upon the ghosts of her past as they beckoned to her a sweet and tantalizing return into the drowsy waters of her old world. May it never be! May she never return to that prison. May she always feel hunger for just one more breath of this new air and her curiosity of this wonderland never be completely satisfied. For this place was closer to a dreamy heaven than all her imaginings had been of it before. 

She was no longer simply feeling, she was beginning to be. An awakening of her life. Fully and completely, she was alive.