Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Chicken Nuggets and Other Randomness

Why do I always get my most random thoughts right before I must leave for work? Forgive the rushed post, it is not spell checked and may offend a strict worshiper of grammar.

Yesterday was flurry of frustration. It was one of those days when everybody seems to demand the world of you…or at least more than five chicken nuggets. I cannot believe how much all the students love those nasty, processed, deep fried chunks of poultry. Disgusting! I have recently given up the necessity of eating. I have grown tired of it. For there never seems to be anything to eat which does not induce digestion trouble or bring to mind the horrible memories of eating in my place of work. Perhaps I exaggerate.

In other news I have recently mastered the art of making omelets without massacring their appearance and structure before the quiet critical eye of the observing student. I have also learned that some people don’t know how to flush toilets…like ever…or know how to properly aim. Really, does it shock you to know this? It does me.

I have also learned that the Jerk Chicken and Orzo has 30,903 calories in it (that’s what the printed off label said and of course labels never lie and typos are unheard of) I have also come realize the importance of delegating work. No, Jennie, you cannot do EVERYTHING and let other people do NOTHING. Also, I have learned the ability to show anger toward people. Not anger in a bad, unchristian way, just the standing-up-for-yourself, “hey I’m not as stupid as you are making me feel,” kind of anger. Which I used on a coworker yesterday when he had pushed my patience to the limits, as I was in the worst sort of honey disaster so you can quite imagine. To say the least, I had little capacity to put up with his constant negative scolding of my performance.

I caught a glimpse of a face which I always long to see in my work. But it seemed only a flash and he was gone. I looked all around for him, but he had magically disappeared. I did manage to find him for a few seconds, but a few seconds with him is never enough. I seem to have some kind of addiction to his company which never seems to be fully satisfied. I watched him leave out the door, feeling lonelier in that moment than I had all night. This is rather a paradoxical feeling as I was surrounded by at least over 9,000 students all demanding chicken nuggets or they will bring a riot. But I suppose that is the way of things.

Like all the random, chaotic thoughts and circumstances which buzz and zap and explode out of my brain, it is just the way of things. The way of the Force…no, just kidding. Enough nonsense. Off to work!