Sometimes, in the moments which transcend human comprehension, I feel so completely overwhelmed to be a Christian. It is in these quiet moments that I feel I have temporarily conquered my fleshy nature and am I at one with the Spirit of God. Within these pure, beautiful breaths of time I feel overcome with tears of joy: I love my God utterly and completely. Everything he has made is beautiful, everything he has taught me is majestic and perfect. In these moments, I truly know what it feels like to hunger and thirst after His presence; To need my God so badly and to know that He will be there. To do what is good and to recognize the ways in which He blesses me–to me there is nothing greater.
Oh how this depth of feeling is never truly and justly expressed with the crude, limitation of human words! How could I ever describe it?
These moments... they are a little slice of Heaven on earth. Oh, if only this intense intimacy with God would linger just a little longer. Before too long, I begin to feel my fleshly side creep upon me. I begin to worry and fuss over life cares. I feel myself falling away from the precious world in which I visited moments ago. Where was that peace and joy? Inexpressible feelings? The unfathomable depth? The overwhelming beauty? It seems to slip away from me so easily. Even, now, trying to describe the inner workings of my private universe, the beautiful world that lives inside of me, is weakly revealed in my elementary writing, my vain attempts to paint a picture where talent has afforded me little success... it is all frustrating.
But still I must try. I shall endeavor always to speak, as inadequately as I do, to share what lives inside of me. Because if I write to anyone, it is to God I gave back my words. To him I tell these longings, these him. And to him alone, I trust with assurance that he hears, understands, and knows the inexpressible feelings which hide beneath these plain, human words.
What shall it be like in Heaven? Where restrictions are freed and the perfect words can indeed be found? I am assured that I cannot even comprehend the glories and comforts that await for me at the beginning of my new life. When I will pull off this confining, restricting earthly body. And those little slices of Heaven? Well, I think in Heaven that is how it will be. Hundreds, upon thousands, upon millions of these beautiful, pure, joyful moments in which we will be overwhelmed by the beauty and awesomeness of our Father who we love!