I think God is so infinitely amazing. Have you ever felt his presence within your heart? Have you ever cried out to him in the storm of suffering and feel the warmth of his arms around you? Have you watched, in your total helpless state, as God whirls around all the rigid pieces of your brokenness and transforms your life back into a whole. Or as he gentlly blows away the pain within your heart. Have you glanced up at the endless night sky and wondered how such a God, who knows all the stars by name, could ever care about such a silly creature as me and you?
I know I have.
There are so many sad, weary people in the world. I wish all of them could feel the comfort of God. For the lost in the world, for the Christian without joy, for all those who have not entered into the world of Hope which God has freely offered; to them I feel such sadness. Read your Bible. Let God comfort you. Let him ease the pain. He will be there for you, always!
In other news,
I watched Alice in Wonderland again. I must say that is such a remarkable movie. It made me cry. I feel so much like Alice--that I have lost my muchness. That there was a powerful person inside
of me, who has been lost. I say that I am Jennie, but I don't feel like I am. I am faced with a huge, ugly, larger than life Jaberwocky and I feel little, terrified, and overwhelmed with the task at hand.
But then I remember all the impossible things that have happened before in my life. Impossible things that I never could have believed in before, how they have been made possible!
With this thought in my head, a new surge of power churning my spirit into action, I face the horrible creature before me and declare, "Lost my muchness, have I?" And with that, I slay the Jaberwocky.
I suppose for those of you who have not watched the movie, these references don't make much sense. So I encourage you, watch the movie! It is delightful!
In other news,
I eagerly await spring break. I cannot wait to be refreshed by my little cousins. I also cannot wait to bring back with me the rest of my clothes and belongings. It seems, yet again, in my uber efficiency I have left, 800 miles away, my really nice red shirt. Which I very much miss. At least I didn't throw it away like I usually do things! Haha.
And finally, in other news unlike all the other "other" news....
I am taking a break from Facebook. For how long I will manage to tear myself away from the addictive desire to review all the latest gossip of which I am no longer a part of, we shall see. I just very much grow tired of it. It seems to only bring about disappointment lately. And even more so, on a greater scale, I feel it is just a waste of time and a sad exchange for more profitable and stimulating activity. Any huge Facebook fans out there, I apologize. I don't mean to offend if you are one of those 24/7 status updaters. I just personally need a break. So, yesterday, I decided to test my resolve. How long will I be able to stay away? We shall see...